To me, the meaning of dreadlocks and afro puffs are a form of self-expression. Perhaps for others, they carry cultural or spiritual significance. Additionally, dreadlocks and afro puffs can serve practical purposes, such as managing hair texture, etc.
Despite the different reasons why we are drawn to them, they still become our lifestyle and a part of our essence. Each person's journey of wearing dreadlocks or afro puffs is unique. Nende areng võib olla ilus aga mõnikord nad vajavad abikätt.
I hope to be helpful and valuable to you in creating dreadlocks, whether you are taking your first steps towards them or have been wearing them for years .
I make braids with passion but to me, the passion does not just lie in creating braids but also in getting to meet new people!! I wish to be useful and necessary on the journeys of different people with braids by creating new braids and helping maintain the beauty of old braids Minu jaoks on ülioluline, et tänavatel oleksid liikumas kaunid, võluvad ja müstilised rastapatsid!!