Aloe manuka

Aloe Manuka Dreadlock Gel is a luxurious and natural tightening gel for dreadlocks and frizzy hair. Organic certified aloe vera gathers hair, provides moisture and a firm hold, and is an effective remedy for dandruff, itchy and irritated scalp. Along with manuka, the hair is cared for in depth and kept healthy. Manuka counteracts frizzy hair and leaves your hair shiny and well-groomed.
Aloe Manuka geel on orgaaniline luksuslik geel lokkis juustele, lokkidele ja säbrulistele rastapatsidele. Aloe Manuka geel on loomulik pinguldav geel rastapatsidele ja kräsus juustele. Orgaaniline sertifitseeritud aloe vera koondab juukseid, annab niisutust ja kindlat kinnitust ning on tõhus vahend kõõma, sügeleva ja ärritunud peanaha vastu.