- Dreadlocks maintenance - 35€/hour
- Dreadlocks detox - 80€
Dreadlocks extensions
- SE kanekalon dreadlocks - 2€/pc
- DE kanekalon dreadlocks - 3€/pc
- SE dreadlocks from human hair - 7€/pc
- Braiding temporary dreadlocks - 35€/hour
Creating dreadlocks
- One dreadlock with your hair (no extension) - 7€/pc
- One dreadlock with your hair + kanekalon extension - 9€/pc
- One dreadlock with your hair + human hair extension - 15€/pc
NB! The hourly fee is not added to the price in the case of a piece price.
Box braids
Box braids of medium thickness
- BoxBraid to the shoulders - 160€
- BoxBraid to the middle back - 190€
- BoxBraid to the waist - 240€
- BoxBraid to the hips - 240€
- BoxBraid maintenance (rebraiding) - 35€/hour
Thin box braids
- BoxBraid to the shoulders - 170€
- BoxBraid to the middle back - 220€
- BoxBraid to the waist - 250€
- BoxBraid to the hips - 300€
- BoxBraid maintenance (rebraiding) - 35€/hour
Keratiin juuksepikendused
Keratiin Juuksepikendused
Pikenduste Paigaldamine (Salgu Hind)
- 45-55 cm – 2.75 €/tk
- 50-55 cm – 2.85 €/tk
- 60-65 cm – 3.20 €/tk
- 70-75 cm – 3.40 €/tk
- 80-85 cm – 3.70 €/tk
Sinu Pikendustega Paigaldamine
- 0.85 €
Sinu Pikendustega Paigaldamine + Keratiinivahetus
- 0.95 €
Pikenduste Hooldus
- 0.95 €
Pikenduste Eemaldamine
- 0.40 €
Pusade Harutamine
- 20 €/tund